• Welcome to Aero Cyber
  • We are Expert
  • We love to Grow



Aero Cyber

Welcome to aero cyber specialized in protecting the aviation industry from cyber threats. With our tailored solutions and an expert team, we ensure the safety and integrity of your operations. From threat intelligence to Cyber security management.

About Aero Cyber

Our team of experts delivers advanced and innovative technologies to safeguard your sensitive information and critical systems. we have you covered. Join us in securing the future of aviation. Contact us today to learn more

Protecting Aviation

We specialize in providing comprehensive cyber security solutions tailored to the unique challenges of the aviation industry.

Human Factor Focus

We understand that cyber security is not just about technology. We emphasize the importance of the human factor in our approach.

Awareness and Training

We offer customized awareness programs and training sessions to educate your employees about cyber threats and best practices.

Governance and Policy

Our experts help you establish robust governance frameworks and policies to ensure compliance and mitigate risks effectively.

Seamless Integration

Our solutions seamlessly integrate into your existing infrastructure, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations.

Future-Proofing Aviation

Join us in building a resilient and secure environment that protects your assets, data, and passengers.

Trust and Confidence

Our goal is to earn your trust and provide you with the confidence that your aviation operations are protected from cyber threats.

Get in Touch

Contact us today to learn more about how our aviation cyber security offering, including awareness, training, governance, and policy services, can benefit your business.

Secure Your Business

Introduction: we offer comprehensive ISO 27001 and ISO 22301 certification preparation services. Our expert team will guide you through the process, ensuring that your business meets the highest international standards for information security and business continuity management.

ISO 27001 Certification Preparation for Aviation:

Tailored approach to meet aviation industry requirements

We understand the unique challenges of the aviation industry. Our team will work closely with you to develop a customized approach that aligns with aviation-specific requirements.

Gap analysis to identify areas for improvement in aviation security

Our experts will conduct a thorough assessment of your current information security practices, specifically focusing on aviation-related risks and vulnerabilities.

Documentation and policies development for aviation security

We will assist you in developing the necessary documentation, policies, and procedures required for ISO 27001 certification, tailored to the aviation industry's regulatory and operational requirements.

Risk assessment and management for aviation

Our team will help you identify and assess potential risks to your aviation information assets and implement effective risk management strategies to ensure the safety and security of critical aviation systems.

Training and awareness programs for aviation personnel

We offer comprehensive training programs specifically designed for aviation personnel, educating them about aviation-specific information security best practices and ensuring a culture of security throughout your aviation organization.

ISO 22301 Certification Preparation for Aviation

ISO 22301 Certification Preparation for Aviation : 

  • Business impact analysis for aviation continuity.
  • Business continuity planning for aviation.
  • Testing and exercising of aviation business continuity plans.
  • Crisis management frameworks and procedures for aviation
  • Continuous improvement of aviation business continuity management system.
Design sans titre

Why Choose Aero Cyber for Aviation Security ?

Contact us today to take the first step towards ISO 27001 and ISO 22301 certification for aviation security. Secure your aviation business and ensure its continuity in the face of potential cyber threats and operational disruptions.


Expertise in aviation-specific ISO 27001 and ISO 22301 standards


Tailored solutions to meet aviation industry requirements


Proven track record of successful certifications in aviation

processes and systems

Seamless integration with existing aviation processes and systems


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in piece of classical Latin old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia.

Our Featured Expertise

We specialize in safeguarding aircraft systems and communication networks. Trust us to protect your aviation infrastructure against evolving cyber threats.

0123 456 789



Cyberattack Costs

The average cyberattack cost per business in France is a staggering €3.86 million in 2023, a significant financial burden for affected organizations.

Rising Attacks

Global cyberattacks witnessed a concerning 38% increase in 2022, demonstrating the evolving and escalating nature of cyber threats.

Top Targets

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are particularly vulnerable, with 61% falling victim to cyberattacks in 2022, making them a prime target.

Attack Types

Phishing attacks are most common, accounting for 32% of incidents in 2022, Ransomware attacks are also rising, with an average cost of $1.5 million per attack in 2023